I'm your gal! I’m so excited to share my experience with you to help get your business off the ground, or to help you get back on track with your goals! Together we will talk through what you've been working on, and I can share tips I've used or just add a fresh perspective! However, my focus is to help you build your business around your ideal client experience! 

Looking To Step Up Your Photography Business Game?

The Experience

Why Do I Want You To Focus On client experience? 

 1. As a small business owner, YOU are your business. If you are burnt out or overwhelmed, it bleeds into all aspects of your life, and the experience you offer clients. Let's get everything back into alignment! 

2.  Tips and tricks are great but different things work for different people! Your business is unique to you and I want to help you find what works for you, and what connects with your soul and makes you happy. Let’s run your business your way! 
 3. I want you to be happy with where your at today AND your end goals! Focusing only on the future can be detrimental.  Getting you on a better path starts now-it's a mental game!

An east coast gal at heart, I grew up in Maryland and ventured to school in South Carolina before ending up in Long Beach. I adore nothing more than  spending the night in with my husband Jack and our 3 rescue pups: Hootie, Toffee, and Twinkie. I really wish mac & cheese was its own food group. However, I do have a taste for all sorts of cuisines from my travel adventures!

I started my photography journey with a Nikon camera and an abundance of free time as a 16-year-old exchange student in Germany and haven’t stopped hitting the shutter button since. After my year abroad, I had learned a new language and found one of my passions that I’m lucky to now share with so many people to this day!

In college, I lost touch with photography. Coincidently, my next long-term abroad experience, a semester in Singapore, was when I reconnected with it. The only 2 continents I haven’t seen are South America & Antarctica: maybe one day my camera and I will make it there!

Hey Friend! I am so happy you are here

I'm alaina

Client Praise

- Andrea, Mentorship Client

"I feel so well equipped and empowered to get my photography business going!"

- ERICA, Portrait Client

"Lively's portrait session helped me to see myself in a whole new way. I couldn't be more grateful."

"I've never felt more beautiful in a photo."

- Alison, Portrait Client

"I couldn't be happier with the portraits Lively created for me. Her process is top-notch!"

"Lively captured my fun personality so well!"

Inquire to schedule a call!



+Overall Client experience
+ Refining your branding
+Refining your offered services
+Determining your ideal client
+Goal setting
+Social media & marketing
+ Pricing
+Pricing guides
+ How to find your shooting style 

1-Hour Q+A Session

Mentorship Offerings

Inquire to schedule!



+ 2 full Q+A calls
+ 2 weekly check-ins 
+ Shadowing experience to observe at one of my portrait sessions, and debrief on posing and client interaction afterward

4-Week MentorShip Program

let's be friends

Ready to invest in 

Get in touch

© Alaina Elizabeth Photography LLC